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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
JIN YAN in chinese 29
JIN YOU in chinese 31
JING YANG CHUN in chinese 33
JINGDA in chinese +square 30
JIU AI in chinese +heart 30
JIU MU WANG in chinese 25
JOMOO in chinese 11
JU LANG DA QIE in chinese 30
JU LI in chinese 9
JW JIA WANG in chinese 7
K HUIERKANG in chinese 30
KAMEYAMA in chinese 9
KANG ER XIN in chinese 24
KANGLAITE in chinese 5
KELON in chinese 37
KG KUN GANG in chinese 6
KIBUN in chinese 29, 32
KONG ZI in chinese 16, 41
KONIKA in chinese 9
KOUNOSHIMA in chinese 1
KUN LUN SHAN in chinese 32, 33
KUN LUN in chinese 1, 4, 7, 37, 39, 40, 42
KUO TAI in chinese 36
LAO GAN MA in chinese +boy 30
LEE KUM KEE in chinese 30
LEI DIAN in chinese +circle 17
LI & FUNG in chinese 25
LINGFEI in chinese +stripes 1
LONG PAI L&P in chinese 9
chinese 6, 9, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 45
LYFEN in chinese +cartoon 5, 29, 30, 32, 35, 43
M LONGSHAN in chinese +oval 9
M TONGMING in chinese 17
MADAN HOSIERY in chinese 25
chinese 1, 4, 37, 39
MEI LI CAO DI in chinese 35, 41
MEIBIDA in chinese 5
METALL in chinese 1, 5
MNC quality chinese price 31
NANLON +circles & chinese 22
chinese 32
NURENXIN in chinese +arcs 25
ORIENTAL SPICE chinese food 42
OSAKAOHSHO in chinese 30, 43
PANDA BRAND in chinese 30
PELLA in chinese 6, 19
PING AN in chinese 36
PU ZAHO in chinese 4
QI LU in chinese +box 5
QING ZUI in chinese 5
QUAN JU DE in chinese 29
QUNCHUANG in chinese 9
RAE-MI-AN in chinese +strip 36
RANI'S chinese green raisin 29
REGENCY chinese raisins 29
RU YAN in chinese 5, 10, 34
RYETO chinese chaska pasta 30
S +circle chinese character 19
chinese 9
SALONPAS in chinese 5
SCHLEICH in chinese S +oval 28
SEI KATSU BI JIN in chinese 18, 25
SHANPHARMA in chinese 5, 42
SHENG AO in chinese 1
SHENHUA in chinese 1, 4, 37, 39
SHUN FUNG in chinese 16, 39
SHUN YI in chinese +arcs 23
SIIHAA XI HA in chinese 34
SILVER UNIT in chinese 9, 36
SMOKIN' LEE'S chinese +man 16, 42
SOUTH RICE in chinese 7
SPICE SPIRIT in chinese 30
SU XIE in chinese 25
SU YAN in chinese 34
TAHWA in chinese 34
TAI AN TANG in chinese 5
TAI KANG in chinese 36
TAI YANG BAO in chinese 11
TAISHAN in chinese 34
TE LUN SU in chinese 29, 30, 32
THE SEA in chinese 7
TIAN LONG BA BU in chinese 43
TIAN YE in chinese +ovals 1
TO COME TREASURE in chinese 6
TROUT TE LAO TE in chinese 41
TSINGHUA in chinese 41
TSINGTAO BEER in chinese 32
VITASOY in chinese 29, 32
W GOLDEN EGRET in chinese 1, 6
WAN HUA in chinese 18
WANG LAO JI in chinese 5, 33
WEI CHAI in chinese 12
WEISHINUO in chinese 7
WEIWEI in chinese +oval 30
WEN JUN in chinese 33
WINSTON in chinese 9
WOK N ROLL chinese sea food 42
WONDER chinese +ovals stick 43
WONG LO KAT in chinese 5, 30, 32
WOONG in chinese +bear 5, 35, 44
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